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I’ve been thinking over how to filter what I post on my blog, and as I am only just starting out I haven’t really found a direction so far.
I have decided that I would like to share my insight on Fashion and Beauty and the pressing matters related to them right now,  but I would also like to make more personal posts about my activities and lifestyle, So to ease you all into it I thought I would do a quick 5 facts about myself:

1. My name is Charlotte Rose Doherty

2. I have been with my amazing girlfriend Sami for just over 8 months now and we are constantly on the move, it will be nice to post and share our adventures and stories on my blog as there are so many and it’s so easy to let memories get lost in the past!

3. I am a student at Northumbria University; I am studying Fashion Communication and absolutely love it (I will write a post about the course later on!). 

4. I am a passionate photographer, I just need a little more inspiration and motivation to get out and get stuff done, but I would certainly love it to be an aspect of my future career some day.

5. Last but not least and certainly extremely important...... Cheese is certainly my favourite thing ever, I could eat it all day long and that is no exaggeration!