Atisha Buddhist centre

09:19 Unknown 0 Comments

This isn't going to be a long post because I am currently travelling back from Newcastle on the train. I've been to a briefing session about the Northumbria open day I'll be working this Friday and Saturday.  
I do the fashion communication course and absolutely love it! Hopefully I will be designated to my course because the main reason I want to work the day is to share with people people what an amazing choice it is, I've adored my first year but can't deny that it took a little convincing for me to be confident it was the right course for me before I started and I want to be able to give people the best idea of what it is they will be doing. No doubt however I will be stood somewhere on campus holding a big sign! But hey, at least I'm getting involved!
What I wanted to talk about however is the Atisha Buddhist center in Darlington, with my mum being Buddhist  (if I was to follow a religion it would be my choice too) we have always been involved with the community in Darlington, this is everything from fun days to going to meditation classes, nature walks and general events that surround the centre. The best thing about the Buddhist centre is anyone can go! So if you are in Darlington get you self down. Also the cafe is now open through the week as well,  just a generally lovely place to be, i will be doing a longer better post on the Atisha Centre soon so keep tuned. :D