Stolen magazines and broken down trains : Little life update.

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Hello! I have decided that I haven’t done a general update post in a while, and because of my super busy schedule at the moment I haven’t been able to post, or plan a proper post to do now, therefore this is going to be a little catch up, just what I’ve been up to recently, some of which I would say is quite exciting!

So I was recently helping at the Northumbria open day, I loved this experience because this is how I chose the course I am now on, it wasn’t until I saw the work at Northumbria and spoke to the tutors and past students that I realized it was the perfect course for me. Therefore I wanted to be there showing my support for the UNI and my course and letting other really know what it’s about, I feel like I totally managed to do this and I got countless free cups to tea so that is always a bonus! I worked the two days but karma came around and bit me in the ass when I left the main hall and someone came and stole my 35th anniversary ID out of my bag.... BEFORE ID EVEN READ IT. I mean common guys that was my reading material for the train home! So I went home in my bright orange STUDENT WORKER t-shirt feeling might sour, well I exaggerate after about 10 mins I was able to get over the anger.. plus its all replaced and read through now so what’s the point in holding on to bad feeling ey?


So the summer was a time where we were meant to be getting the most out of internships and work placements. The fashion communication course at Northumbria isn’t a sandwich course ( a 4 year course with a year’s placement) now this puts many people off as they think they wont gain experience within the industry.. However like I was discussing with countless potential students, although sandwich years are great.. They are not essential. What a lot of people don’t know when they think of a sandwich year is that you only have to work a minimum of 8 weeks in that year..... lots of people can’t even find a placement which will have them longer than 8 weeks, that’s 44 weeks you are at times left doing not a lot towards your career. This is why on the Fashion Com course we are advised to find placements through the two summers so that we are out into the industry a year earlier with a good few placements tucked nicely under our belts. This is a lot easier said than done and since I’ve been off Uni since May it’s taken me two months to finally feel like I’m getting somewhere and achieving something that is going to help me gain experience within the fashion industry.
Because I don’t know what I would like my future career to be (apart from I know I would like to write and take photographs) it is difficult at times to know where to search for work experience. I am now happy to say I potentially have 3 exciting opportunities on my horizon. I am thrilled to be accepted as a contributing writer for a new online counter culture magazine due to launch in September. They are called WILDABOUT and you must go follow them on instagram! I feel that some very interesting content is going to be discussed and shared when the magazine launches and you’d be crazy to miss out. I have also managed to bag myself some experience working with a photographer for a local newspaper in the North East which I am so excited to start as I still don’t understand the camera fully and would love to get its full potential out of it!

Last but not least I am as nervous as I am happy about an interview for a PR company in Northumberland called Play the field, April who runs the business is a former Northumbria graduate who has gone on to set up her own business and is looking for PR interns. I was supposed to be meeting with her on Wednesday but due to all signals cutting out in Sunderland station we were forced to rearrange for a date next week. So that’s my busy lifestyle! What have you guys been up to over the last week, id like to hear about someone else’s routine and perhaps get a slight break from mine haha, Have a wonderful weekend everyone TGIF!